School Lunches
Children are requested to bring a packed lunch if they are not purchasing a hot lunch via local food links.
All children must remain on school premises during lunchtime.
Please note that we have a number of children who have nut allergies, so we ask parents not to include any nuts in the lunch boxes as we are striving to become a nut-free school. Thank you for your co-operation.
Hot lunches and Local food links
Every half term a new menu will be available to view and order on the local foodlinks website, so your child can choose what they would like to eat.
Click here for localfoodlinks.org.uk to make your order
Choices need to be made (or amended) 7 working days in advance, so it is advisable to book all your choices when the new menu arrives.
Please click here to register/activate your account if you haven't used this local food links system using your unique code.
If you have mislaid your code, please email office@stosmunds.dorset.sch.uk and request it.
The system is easy to use but if you have any further problems, you can talk to the local food links team direct on
01308 420269
You may also need to fill in the allergies and special dietary requirements form if it applies to you. You will find this at the bottom of this page.
Free school meals are now only available if parents receive income support, employment and support allowance, income-based jobseekers allowance or Child Tax Credit.
If you think your children may be eligible for free school meals, it’s quick and easy to check. Just click on the link below.
Or contact them on 01305 221090
The school will be notified automatically if free school meals are granted and your local food links account will be updated by our office staff for you and you will be notified of other benefits the school can provide for you. See the poster below.