School Funding
Primary P.E. & Sport Premium Funding:
The P.E. and Sport Premium is designed to help schools, with primary aged pupils, improve the quality of the P.E. and Sports activities they offer their pupils.
St. Osmund’s has drawn up a document outlining our P.E. & Sport Premium, including what the money was spent on. To view this you can download the document below:
Catch Up Premium
There were no End of Key Stage 2 SATS In the academic year 2019/2020.
We have identified children who were below the age of expected standard at the end of Key Stage 2. As a result, 30 children will receive additional ‘my tutoring' support from 30th December 2020, in English. Similarly, 30 children will receive 'my tutoring' support in mathematics.
In Key Stage 2, children identified as requiring additional support and catch up for lost time after the school closure, will receive support by qualified teachers, (in small groups), in mathematics and English in both year 5 and year 6.
St Osmund's has drawn up a document outlining the effectiveness of the 2019 -2020 Literacy and Numeracy Catch up Premium.
In 2020/21 we will use a variety of data streams including hard academic progress data and softer engagement in learning data to access the effectiveness of our recovery programme.