Maths KS2
KS2 maths homework has two parts to it:
Skills Booklet
This booklet contains skills from previous terms or years for the children to practise at home. Each week children should spend 30 minutes completing the worksheet for that week. The booklet front details when each sheet is set and when it is expected in. Each week, your child’s teacher will mark the work with the children and go over any concepts which need revisiting. Please encourage your child to speak with their teacher if they have any questions about the skills covered.
Each week the children should complete 15 minutes of games in the ‘garage’ (or a combination which adds up to 15 minutes e.g. five 3-minute games). Each half term, the class will visit the computer room in school and complete a ‘gig’. Once children are fluent in their times tables, shown by the gig results, they may be moved into the 5-minute group.