Uniform & Equipment
School uniform develops a feeling of self-esteem among students and does much to eliminate feelings of inequality as well as projecting a positive image for the school. This school has a uniform policy and we ask for the co-operation of parents in ensuring that uniform is worn at all times. If for any reason, this is not possible, please leave a note in your child’s Link Book. Items marked * bear the school logo; these as well as school ties can be ordered directly from:
Please order from: Dorset Schoolwear, The Old Rock factory, Caroline Place, Weymouth, DT4 8NW Tel: 01305 760804
Click here to take you to the website https://dorsetschoolwear.shop/
Orders can be delivered to the school, free of charge, within five working days during school term time. Orders made during holiday periods will be delivered within five working days of return to school. Their opening hours are Mon – Sat 9am – 5pm (except Fridays, closed from 2pm).
Our school uniform is gender neutral. Formal grey or black skirt, trousers or shorts (no denim or corduroy), white shirt with school tie, navy school sweatshirt* (no hoodies). Grey, black or white socks, black/navy/grey/skin coloured tights (no leggings).
Black leather/leather-looking shoes/trainers must be worn at all times including on the way to and from school. Footwear must be 100% black (no additional colour), low-heeled, no high ankle or boots. We strongly advise formal school shoes; canvas shoes are not acceptable footwear.
Makeup (including nail varnish, acrylic nails and false eye lashes) is NOT to be worn in school.
Pupils are only allowed to wear one plain stud in each ear, 'sleepers' are not allowed.
NO OTHER body or facial piercing is permitted.
Bracelets, rings and necklaces are not permitted.
Excess items of jewellery will be confiscated, and parents may be asked to collect these items from the school office.
As we can never predict fashion trends, we do not attempt to pre-empt every possibility in our uniform policy.
At St Osmund's CE Middle School we expect pupils to wear sensible school-wear rather than the latest fashion items. This includes hair colour/styles; hair must be natural colours.
Indoor kit: navy blue round-necked t-shirt*, plain navy blue shorts, leggings, tracksuit bottoms (navy blue/black) or 'skorts', white socks, trainers.
Outdoor kit: In addition to the above list, St Osmund's CE Middle School rugby shirt* or PE hoodie*, navy football socks. For contact and field sports (such as rugby, football and hockey) the wearing of sports mouth-guards, shin pads and studded boots is strongly recommended but not enforced.
In cold weather we encourage pupils to layer up with either their St Osmund's CE Middle School rugby shirt* or PE Hoodie* or both.
Long hair must be tied up, all wristbands, watches (including sports watches) and jewellery must be removed.
All earrings must be removed for PE and Games lessons. We strongly advise that if ears are to be pierced, this should happen at the start of the summer holiday so that the earrings can be removed for these lessons starting in September.
If earrings cannot be removed, then parents must provide plasters or medical tape for them to be covered. This is not the responsibility of the PE department.
Please provide your child with a suitable pen (not a ball point). A ‘Berol’ Handwriting Pen is acceptable. Your child will also need a pencil, a 30cm ruler, eraser, purple pen, colouring pencils (not felt tips), a calculator (Key Stage 3) if possible and a medium-sized school bag. A separate bag for PE and Games kit is a good idea, but should not be too large that it will not fit in school lockers.
Should a pupil bring their phone/device to school, it should be placed in their school locker for the duration of the day. The school does not accept any responsibility for loss or breakage of the phone/device. The school also reserves the right to retain devices should there be any inappropriate usage during the school day.