Design Technology
Homework will be set at the discretion of the teacher and when the project requires homework to be set, this will usually be once per half term.
Students will be given a technical vocabulary word, which students will learn and understand the meaning of the word and the spelling.
A research task may be set, to encourage students to look at the design world around them. This will be the same subject as their lesson and will enhance their knowledge of that area of DT.
KS2 Food and Nutrition: Students will be required to source their ingredients for their practical lessons. A demonstration is given, and the students will write down the ingredients in their home-link books (all ingredients’ lists are on the website). Students will weigh out their ingredients and bring them into school the week that they will be cooking.
(The school provides ingredients for Pupil Premium students).
Year 5:
Year 6:
Students will be set a research task, to enhance their designing and to enable them to understand the importance of research and existing design.
Students will also be given key vocabulary to learn the correct spellings and meanings of the specific word. There will be regular opportunities for students to use this extended knowledge in lessons.
KS3 Food and Nutrition
Students will be required to source their ingredients for their practical lessons. A demonstration is given, and the students will write down the ingredients in their home-link books (all ingredients’ lists are on the website). Students will weigh out their ingredients and bring them into school the week that they will be cooking.
(The school provides ingredients for Pupil Premium students).
Year 7:
Year 8: